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Piramid of nutrition

We do not offer an author's technique simply because there are none! With #BlackFoxNutrition, we have synthesized all the science-based nutritional fundamentals to create a detailed set of instructions that you can incorporate into your daily life and learn healthy eating habits with us!

The main goal of BlackFox is to improve the quality of life. The CrossFit Pyramid identifies things that are important to the sport and the health mission. This is one of the simplest, but at the same time deep concepts to date

Piramid of nutrition
How much lactose is in your diet


Why is fiber good for your health? What types of fiber are there and what to focus on when drawing up a diet? What are her norms and how she works! Dietary fiber (fiber, roughage) - the main structural component of plant cell walls - the heat treatment slightly varies: it swells and becomes porous.


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A little bit about our muscles

Muscle Structure

The human body has over 600 muscles. Muscle tissue makes up about 40% of body weight. Skeletal muscles, together with their skeletal system, perform two very important functions in the human body: movement and defense. Skeletal muscle tissue enables conscious voluntary movements of the body and its parts. In this case, two seemingly opposite tasks are performed: both the beginning of the movement and its control. Find out how this system works, everything is easier than it seems, read it!



Fatigue, exhaustion and overtraining are very close to each other and are easily confused in the initial stages. There is a temporary "bust" in loads when you have surpassed yourself, and now, of course, are exhausted, but this will be followed by super-compensation and reaching a new level. And it happens, in fact, overtraining - an unexpected deterioration in results further intensifies, stopping your progress for a long time. How to diagnose these conditions, the balance between load and rest, progress, read here

How much lactose is in your diet
How much lactose is in your diet


You know that macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) provide the calories the body needs to function. While all macronutrients contain calories, each nutrient has unique properties and effects. Therefore, it is important to know the property and function of each element! Since protein has the greatest impact on body composition, health, functionality, and should be a priority in a structured diet, we'll start our nutrient introduction with it!



Today, the average person gains from 0.5-0.9 kg per year, and this is not a set of muscle tissue, but adipose tissue! There are several reasons for this, but today we'll talk about hunger and the cult of food! Today people do eat more! Moreover, most often, they get their excess of calories from food for pleasure, out of boredom! The social factor also takes part in this, 1-2 coffee and cake a day for the company, dinner with alcohol with friends, and so on. Well, don't forget about hunger and overeating because of their effects! Either way, understanding and managing hunger can improve diet success and your comfort towards any goal. So read more!


Alcohol metabolism

Alcohol is both a drink and a drug at the same time. For thousands of years, alcohol has been consumed for medical, festive and ritual purposes. It is drunk in almost every country and often in excessive quantities. But no one thinks about how our body assimilates, processes and removes the products of its decay! Today we will talk about it!

Alcohol metabolism